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Loppsi 2 : «une loi extrêmement dangereuse et régressive»

Par Phanux | Catégorie : Loppsi

Pendant que la loi sur la sécurité intérieure était votée, ce mardi, à l’Assemblée nationale, ses opposants se mobilisaient contre ce texte, jugé liberticide. Tour d’horizon des critiques.

«Loppsi =Diktatür». L’affiche flotte derrière l’Assemblée nationale, devant plus de 200 manifestants. Les percussions des sans-papiers couvrent les conversations, des voix s’élèvent contre cette seconde Loi de programmation pour la performance de la sécurité intérieur. Au même moment, à l’intérieur de l’Assemblée, les députés adoptent l’ensemble du projet de loi à 305 voix contre 187.

«Cette loi nous paraît extrêmement dangereuse et très régressive. Elle correspond à un projet de société dont on ne veut pas, portant sur le contrôle et la répression généralisés », assénait, un peu plus tôt en conférence de presse, Matthieu Bonduelle, secrétaire général du Syndicat de la magistrature. Ce dernier s’est associé au Clej (Collectif égalité, liberté, justice), qui appelle au retrait du texte et fédère plus de 70 associations, syndicats et partis politiques. Des organismes divers –du syndicat des avocats à la Quadrature du Net en passant par Jeudi noir- qui reflètent l’hétérogénéité d’un texte «très touffu et complètement illisible», selon le magistrat.

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Parmi la batterie de 48 articles, un point choque tout particulièrement les manifestants : l’expulsion, décidée par le préfet, de toute personne vivant dans un logement susceptible de «comporter de graves risques pour la salubrité, la sécurité ou la tranquillité publiques». Ce, dans un délai de quarante-huit heures, et sans l’avis d’un juge.

Fadila Berraz, de la Ligue des droits de l’homme, s’indigne: «On expulse de manière expéditive, mais de l’autre côté, rien n’a été mis en place pour répondre aux besoins et aux obligations de l’Etat en matière de logement.» Pour elle, les populations visées sont clairement les Roms et les sans-papiers. « Mais cet article va concerner beaucoup plus de monde… », poursuit la militante. Jean-Baptiste Eyraud, porte-parole du DAL (Droit au logement), souligne que la loi pénalisera les populations précaires, victimes de la crise du logement. Une affiche, «Moins de yachts, plus de yourtes», rappelle qu’elle touchera aussi tous ceux qui ont choisi de vivre dans des habitats alternatifs, «non conformes au code de l''urbanisme».

C’est cet article sur le logement qui a décidé Jérémy à venir de l’Oise pour se joindre à la mobilisation. Après trois ans d’études, il se retrouve dans une situation financière intenable, et décide de troquer son loyer contre un camion aménagé. Son projet, occuper des emplois saisonniers pour rembourser ses dettes, est remis en cause. «Maintenant, je suis inquiet de partir sur la route. Cette loi m’empêche de repartir d’un bon pied pour les prochaines années.»

« On nourrit le totalitarisme »

Autre motif de crainte, les articles concernant l’accès à Internet. Mickaël, informaticien, reste sceptique : «Le prétexte est de lutter contre la pédophilie. Mais ces sites sont déjà bien cachés sur des réseaux parallèles, les autorités seront incapables de les détecter. Par contre, ils auront les moyens de filtrer les sites politiques, qui les dérange…»\n\nImpossible, finalement, de faire le tour de tous les motifs de mécontentement: l’interdiction de vente à la sauvette, le fichage, l’identification par empreintes génétiques, la vidéosurveillance… Mais derrière cet arsenal, des lignes directrices se dégagent. Le secrétaire du syndicat de la magistrature y décèle une tendance à « contourner le contrôle judiciaire », et à « vouloir détecter le plus en amont possible un comportement potentiellement délinquant ». Une politique qui, selon lui, «nourrit le totalitarisme».

Source : Libération.fr

Mots clés : Loppsi


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a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-magnum-blend-turkey-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-2-3-8-oz-5-6-and-7-hevi-shot-high-velocity-non-toxic-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Magnum Blend Turkey Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 2-3/8 oz #5, #6 and #7 Hevi-Shot High Velocity Non-Toxic Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-hypersonic-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-1-2-oz-2-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington HyperSonic Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-1/2 oz #2 Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-hypersonic-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-1-2-oz-bb-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington HyperSonic Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-1/2 oz BB Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-hypersonic-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-1-2-oz-bbb-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington HyperSonic Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-1/2 oz BBB Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-nitro-steel-high-velocity-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-1-2-oz-non-toxic-plated-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington Nitro-Steel High Velocity Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-1/2 oz Non-Toxic Plated Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-premier-magnum-turkey-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-2-1-4-oz-4-copper-plated-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington Premier Magnum Turkey Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 2-1/4 oz #4 Copper Plated Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-sportsman-hi-speed-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-3-8-oz-2-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington Sportsman Hi-Speed Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-3/8 oz #2 Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/remington-sportsman-hi-speed-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-3-8-oz-bb-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Remington Sportsman Hi-Speed Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-3/8 oz BB Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/winchester-double-x-turkey-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-2-oz-4-copper-plated-shot-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Winchester Double X Turkey Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 2 oz #4 Copper Plated Shot Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/winchester-double-x-turkey-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-2-oz-5-copper-plated-shot-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Winchester Double X Turkey Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 2 oz #5 Copper Plated Shot Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/winchester-drylok-high-velocity-plated-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-3-8-oz-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Winchester Drylok High Velocity Plated Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-3/8 oz Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/winchester-drylok-magnum-plated-ammunition-10-gauge-3-1-2-1-5-8-oz-non-toxic-steel/" rel="dofollow">Winchester Drylok Magnum Plated Ammunition 10 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-5/8 oz Non-Toxic Steel</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/1493/" rel="dofollow"></a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/bioammo-pheasant-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/" rel="dofollow">BioAmmo Pheasant Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/bioammo-pheasant-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">BioAmmo Pheasant Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/bioammo-target-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/" rel="dofollow">BioAmmo Target Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″</a
<a hre
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<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/brenneke-usa-black-magic-magnum-ammunition-12-gauge-3-1-3-8-oz-lead-rifled-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Brenneke USA Black Magic Magnum Ammunition 12 Gauge 3″ 1-3/8 oz Lead Rifled Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/brenneke-usa-classic-magnum-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-lead-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Brenneke USA Classic Magnum Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Lead Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href=""https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/brenneke-usa-classic-magnum-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-lead-slug-box-of-5-2/ rel="dofollow">Brenneke USA Classic Magnum Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Lead Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/brenneke-usa-green-lightning-heavy-field-short-magnum-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-4-oz-lead-rifled-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Brenneke USA Classic Magnum Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Lead Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/brenneke-usa-green-lightning-heavy-field-short-magnum-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-4-oz-lead-rifled-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Brenneke USA Green Lightning Heavy Field Short Magnum Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/4 oz Lead Rifled Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/brenneke-usa-tactical-home-defense-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-reduced-recoil-1-oz-lead-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Brenneke USA Tactical Home Defense Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ Reduced Recoil 1 oz Lead Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/browning-wicked-wing-xd-waterfowl-ammunition-12-gauge-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Browning Wicked Wing XD Waterfowl Ammunition 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/ddupleks-broadhead-dupo-28-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz-expanding-steel-slug-lead-free-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">DDupleks Broadhead Dupo 28 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz Expanding Steel Slug Lead-Free Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/ddupleks-broadhead-hexolit-32-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-expanding-steel-slug-lead-free-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">DDupleks Broadhead Hexolit 32 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Expanding Steel Slug Lead-Free Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/ddupleks-kaviar-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-16-oz-frangible-slug-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">DDupleks Kaviar Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/16 oz Frangible Slug Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/ddupleks-steelhead-monolit-32-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-solid-steel-slug-lead-free-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">DDupleks Steelhead Monolit 32 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Solid Steel Slug Lead-Free Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/ddupleks-steelhead-monolit-32-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-solid-steel-slug-lead-free-box-of-5-2/" rel="dofollow">DDupleks Steelhead Monolit 32 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Solid Steel Slug Lead-Free Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-action-shotgun-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-7-1-2-shot-case-of-200/" rel="dofollow">Federal Action Shotgun Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz #7-1/2 Shot Case of 200</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-action-shotgun-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-7-1-2-shot-case-of-200-2/" rel="dofollow">Federal Action Shotgun Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz #7-1/2 Shot Case of 200</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-game-load-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz/" rel="dofollow">Federal Game Load Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-game-load-upland-heavy-field-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/" rel="dofollow">Federal Game Load Upland Heavy Field Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-game-load-upland-hi-brass-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-4-oz/" rel="dofollow">Federal Game Load Upland Hi-Brass Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/4 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-power-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-buckshot-16-pellets-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Federal Power-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ #1 Buckshot 16 Pellets Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-power-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-buffered-00-buckshot-12-pellets-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Federal Power-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ Buffered 00 Buckshot 12 Pellets Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-power-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-buffered-000-buckshot-8-pellets-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Federal Power-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ Buffered 000 Buckshot 8 Pellets Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-gold-medal-grand-handicap-paper-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Gold Medal Grand Handicap Paper Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-heavyweight-tss-turkey-ammunition-12-gauge-non-toxic-tungsten-super-shot-flitecontrol-flex-wad/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Heavyweight TSS Turkey Ammunition 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Tungsten Super Shot Flitecontrol Flex Wad</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-hevi-bismuth-ammunition-12-gauge-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Hevi-Bismuth Ammunition 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-hi-bird-dove-pigeon-and-upland-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Hi-Bird Dove, Pigeon, and Upland Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-high-over-all-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium High Over All Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-personal-defense-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-reduced-recoil-00-buckshot-9-pellets-flitecontrol-wad-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Personal Defense Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ Reduced Recoil 00 Buckshot 9 Pellets Flitecontrol Wad Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-personal-defense-shorty-shotshell-ammunition-12-gauge-1-3-4-force-x2-00-buckshot-6-pellets-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Personal Defense Shorty Shotshell Ammunition 12 Gauge 1-3/4″ Force X2 00 Buckshot 6 Pellets Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-prairie-storm-ammunition-12-gauge-1-1-8-oz-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Prairie Storm Ammunition 12 Gauge 1-1/8 oz Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-prairie-storm-ammunition-12-gauge-copper-plated-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Prairie Storm Ammunition 12 Gauge Copper Plated Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-vital-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz-deep-penetrator-truball-hollow-point-rifled-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Vital-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz Deep Penetrator TruBall Hollow Point Rifled Slug Box of 5Federal Premium Vital-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz Deep Penetrator TruBall Hollow Point Rifled Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-vital-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-300-grain-trophy-copper-tipped-sabot-slug-lead-free-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Vital-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 300 rain Trophy Copper Tipped Sabot Slug Lead-Free Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-vital-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-3-buffered-copper-plated-buckshot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Vital-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 3″ Buffered Copper Plated Buckshot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-premium-wing-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-buffered-copper-plated-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Premium Wing-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge Buffered Copper Plated Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-shorty-shotshell-ammunition-12-gauge-1-3-4-4-buckshot-15-pellets-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Federal Shorty Shotshell Ammunition 12 Gauge 1-3/4″ #4 Buckshot 15 Pellets Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-speed-shok-ammunition-12-gauge-3-1-1-4-oz-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Speed-Shok Ammunition 12 Gauge 3″ 1-1/4 oz Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-1300-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-7-1-2-non-toxic-steel-shot-paper-wad/" rel="dofollow">Federal Top Gun 1300 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz #7-1/2 Non-Toxic Steel Shot Paper Wad</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz/" rel="dofollow" >Federal Top Gun Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-8-shot-pink-hull/" rel="dofollow">Federal Top Gun Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz #8 Shot Pink Hull
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-extra-lite-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-7-8-oz-8-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Top Gun Extra Lite Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 7/8 oz #8 Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-lite-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz/" rel="dofollow">Federal Top Gun Lite Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-low-recoil-subsonic-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-7-1-2-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Top Gun Low Recoil Subsonic Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz #7-1/2 Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-top-gun-wounded-warrior-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz-8-shot/" rel="dofollow">Federal Top Gun Wounded Warrior Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz #8 Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/federal-upland-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz-7-1-2-non-toxic-steel-shot-paper-wad/" rel="dofollow">Federal Upland Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz #7-1/2 Non-Toxic Steel Shot Paper Wad</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-3-gun-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-7-8-oz-rifled-slug-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi 3-Gun Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 7/8 oz Rifled Slug Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-34-speed-steel-ammunition-12-gauge-3-1-1-5-oz-non-toxic-plated-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi 34 Speed Steel Ammunition 12 Gauge 3″ 1-1/5 oz Non-Toxic Plated Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-defense-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-buckshot-9-pellets/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Defense Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ #1 Buckshot 9 Pellets</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-defense-dynamics-low-recoil-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz-rifled-slug-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Defense Dynamics Low Recoil Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz Rifled Slug Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-dove-and-quail-steel-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-7-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Dove and Quail Steel Ammunition 12 Gauge 2 3/4″ #7 Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-exacta-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-00-rubber-buckshot-15-pellets/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Exacta Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 00 Rubber Buckshot 15 Pellets</
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-exacta-power-spreader-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-8-oz/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Exacta Power Spreader Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-exacta-superior-target-trainer-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-7-8-oz-7-1-2-shot/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Exacta Superior Target Trainer Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 7/8 oz #7-1/2 Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-exacta-target-crusher-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-oz/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Exacta Target Crusher Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1 oz</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-game-target-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Game & Target Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-golden-pheasant-ammunition-12-gauge-nickel-plated-shot/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Golden Pheasant Ammunition 12 Gauge Nickel Plated Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-less-lethal-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-4-8-gram-rubber-baton-slug/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Less Lethal Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 4.8 Gram Rubber Baton Slug</a
<a hre
a href=https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-shooting-dynamics-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4/"" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Ammunition 12 Gauge 2 3/4″</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-special-application-breaching-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-540-grain-polymer-encapsulated-lead-shot-box-of-10/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Special Application Breaching Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 540 Grain Polymer Encapsulated Lead Shot Box of 10</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/fiocchi-speed-steel-ammunition-12-gauge-3-1-2-1-3-8-oz-bb-non-toxic-steel-shot/" rel="dofollow">Fiocchi Speed Steel Ammunition 12 Gauge 3-1/2″ 1-3/8 oz BB Non-Toxic Steel Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/g2-research-r-i-p-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-303-grain-fragmenting-brass-slug-box-of-5/" rel="dofollow">G2 Research R.I.P Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 303 Grain Fragmenting Brass Slug Box of 5</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-bismuth-ammunition-12-gauge-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Bismuth Ammunition 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-bismuth-upland-ammunition-12-gauge-2-3-4-1-1-4-oz-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Bismuth Upland Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/4 oz Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-dead-coyote-ammunition-12-gauge-hevi-shot-buckshot-non-toxic/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Dead Coyote Ammunition 12 Gauge Hevi-Shot Buckshot Non-Toxic</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-hammer-ammunition-12-gauge-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Hammer Ammunition 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-hammer-dove-ammunition-12-gauge-1-oz-7-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Hammer Dove Ammunition 12 Gauge 1 oz #7 Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-hammer-upland-ammunition-12-gauge-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Hammer Upland Ammunition 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-hevi-metal-long-range-12-gauge-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Hevi-Metal Long Range 12 Gauge Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
a href="https://shotgun-ammunition.com/product/hevi-shot-hevi-metal-xtreme-ammunition-12-gauge-3-1-1-4-oz-tungsten-steel-non-toxic-shot/" rel="dofollow">Hevi-Shot Hevi-Metal Xtreme Ammunition 12 Gauge 3″ 1-1/4 oz Tungsten & Steel Non-Toxic Shot</a
<a hre
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